Originally delivered on 1/15/2025 12:30 pm

SUBJECT: 2024 - 2025 | Vol 12

2024 - 2025 | Vol. 12
Safeties of the Month

Congratulations to these three students who were recognized at our All-School Assembly for being December Safeties of the Month!

These three safeties help the kindergarteners get to the bus, monitor the hallways during arrival and dismissal, and in charge of helping out at breakfast. They truly demonstrate our SOAR core values. 

Kindergarten Play Shop

Our kindergarteners were having a sweet time during their Bakery Play Shop. They've enjoyed baking gingerbread in their play kitchens, taking order and decorating cupcakes with play doh, and using shapes to build their gingerbreads. 

Beach Day Reading Event

Forget about the cold--inside Franconia Elementary School it is warm and sunny!


Our annual Beach Day reading event will be held on Friday, January 24, 2025.  Each student may bring a beach towel, sunglasses, beach hat, etc., to school, along with a favorite book.  A special school-wide reading time will be enjoyed “on the beach.”


Free Boot Camp for Parents

We know how important it is to make time for yourself, and we want to help you kickstart your fitness journey in 2025!

Burn Boot Camp Harleysville is excited to invite you to a FREE Boot Camp session for our Falcon Parents on January 29th at 11:30am. 

Come enjoy a fun workout and meet other parents in your community! 

Free Child Watch will be available during camp!

Important Upcoming Dates

1/20 - No School MLK Jr. Holiday

1/25 - Elementary Honors Orchestra Rehearsal 9-11:30am 

1/27 - Elementary Honors Orchestra Rehearsal 5-7pm 

1/28- Dine & Donate at the Pizza Box ALL DAY (Must mention Franconia when ordering)

1/29 - Teacher In Service - No School for Students

1/30 - Elementary Honors Orchestra Rehearsal 5-6:30pm

Elementary Honors Orchestra Concert 7-8pm

Please see the school calendar for more details. 

We’re excited to announce that our Lip Sync event will take place on April 4th, and we need your help to make it a memorable night for everyone!

We’re looking for a Co-Chair to help organize this fun event, as well as volunteers to assist with organizing the Parent Act. If you have a passion for planning and want to be a part of this exciting event, we would love to have you join the team!

How You Can Help:

    •    Co-Chair: Assist in organizing the Lip Sync event from start to finish.
    •    Volunteers for Parent Act: Help organize and coordinate the Parent Act during the Lip Sync event.

If you’re interested in volunteering or would like more details, please reach out to Matt Wahl at mrwahl22@yahoo.com.

Let’s make this a night to remember! 

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